Maastricht Institute of Arts
Concept, videos, installation, neon
Since Spring 2021
I once heard an urban myth that someone from the building authorities in Warsaw watched Jaques Tati’s playtime resulting that every architect in town did not only design a place but also a neon light that had to stand for the function of the building. Edwin Jacobs made me curator-at-large of Maastricht Institute of Arts and I designed The Beginning neon for the glass brick facade of the Wiel Arets building from 1993, an educational environment.
Text for the first The Beginning Show 2021
Where to begin? is the first question in a new life decision. According to Algorithms of our browser window, you begin a business, a keto diet, writing a book, a startup, building a house, running or meditation. Or you just begin to observe. I like to think that observations are as important as anything else you do in life. Not only observing yourself but also observing everything around you.
One place for this acquisition of information is the educational environment. You go there not for a reproduction of knowledge, not for old worldviews, but for an encouraged diversity of thinking and acting. In that place the pedagogies support you to find out about your future self and everything around you. At this place you learn to make it work.
Imagine it like an exercise where you write a letter to your future self today by answering some of these questions: Who will you be? Where will you be? How will you live? What will you not compromise? What will matter most to you? What will you contribute? Who will be there with you? And how did it all begin?
Welcome to the first Beginning Show at Maastricht Institute of Arts!
Matylda Krzykowski
Curator-At-Large Maastricht Institute of Arts
1) The Beginning Neon, photo by Jonathan Vos
2) Videos in collaboration with Daniel van Hauten
2) Installation in collaboration with Daniel van Hauten